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Targeted Sectors

P�LE�s economic development model concentrates efforts on target sectors, i.e. sectors bearers of innovation and success, which will contribute towards creating wealth by bringing � new money � within the QCA area, whether it is by means of export or local investments. These target sectors were evaluated on the basis of many factors, such as their critical mass of businesses, the growth potential of their market and the interaction level among their several representatives, to name only a few.


Three main sectors were chosen, i.e. Appied technologies, Life Sciences, Health and Nutrition as well as Processed Materials, and they all encompass their own clusters. In order to further their growth, our team of experts map out action plans according to specific needs and issues they have identified for each cluster.

P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches focus and goals :

  • Prioritize and group together target sectors
  • Develop and execute strategy around target sectors
  • Stimulate target sectors
  • Coordinate development around regional specific interventions

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