Services for entreprises Les Violons du Roy en représentation au Palais Montcalm

Key sectors

POLE stimulates wealth creation, encourages entrepreneurship and develops strategic approaches in the areas of innovation, investment, marketing and workforce training, focusing on three sectors of excellence.

We add value by:

  • Identifying issues affecting development in various sectors.
  • Defining key success factors and developing joint solutions and initiatives for the business community.
  • Facilitating networking.
  • Developing tools and providing guidance on export and market development initiatives, as well as on government and private-sector relations aimed at securing funding, grants and venture capital.
  • Organizing networking and partnering events such as Futurallia, the international small business conference that will be held in Quebec City in 2008 and LPM 2008, an annual forum focusing on laser micro/nanomanufacturing technology research and development.
  • Coordinating trade missions in target sectors.

We're here to help!

Our partners

PÔLE Québec Chaudière-Appalaches

1175, Lavigerie avenue, suite 300, Quebec (Quebec), G1V 4P1
Telephone : 418-681-9700 Fax : 418-681-1535

Policies of confidentiality and refunding (in french)